I found this reading quite eye-opening, as these are concepts I had never fully noticed before. The one that caught my eye the most was the gamification of things, as I have about a dozen punch cards in my wallet and have several different store apps simply so I could gain points. I have joked previously that sometimes life just feels like a strange little video that I just want to do the side quests of, but this made me realize that it's more video-game-like than I thought and it was all a marketing scheme.
As much as I enjoyed this reading, its tone had me a little curious. The author is speaking about people and how these techniques approach them as if humans are cautious animals which need other entities to engage in these few techniques in order to properly interact with them. The article is obviously well-educated and has a lot of great points, but I can think of just about as many counter examples as I can supporting one. Specifically in the Hick's Law section, most clothing websites follow the negative example to a T. Though, I guess this can be further argued against due to the cheap creation that often comes out of these same brands, as they don't tend to strive for quality. Either way, this reading was throughly interesting and I'd love to look more into several of these topics and ideas.