"Death is capitalized on a ghastly amount" and the three components that make it up:

I basically wanted to make a spooky uptown vibe with the bright traffic lights and empty road. Someone had suggested having some sort of person passing by and seeing this interesting sight.

"What a weird place to die.." and the four components that make it up:

I was going for a creepy feeling of dread with the people in the back. I thought it would be interesting to put a dead body in a graveyard since they're usually not visible there. I was told to try maybe editing the headstone and maybe bring some of the people in the background up closer, to the point where they are creeping over the headstone. My peers said this reminded them both of Silent Hill, the horror video game, as well as The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

"Ouija Board - Age Requirement 8+" and the four components that make it up:

I was trying to show a scene of both sides of a Ouija Board with this scene. I wanted to try this different style of showcasing ghostly figures as opposed to how I did in my first photo. I was going for a creepy yet slightly warm scene, as this showed more of a connection that both parties wanted as opposed to a jump scare or untimely death. I was told to try and play with angles as it looks slightly off and not really as integrated in as it can be.
